Welcome to the 'The Ramayana World' - an ecosystem of Ramayana!
I am Praveen Pakala, B.E, MBA and an IT professional living in the Hague, The Netherlands. I am an Indian by birth and an ardent follower of Ramayana - an ancient Indian epic that shows and guides humanity the path of Dharma (Righteousness).
Through the past several years, my curiosity and passion grew intense for this epic and I realized the importance of promoting the morals and values from Ramayana to young generation in a more relevant and applicable way! This could range from teaching kids the 16 virtues of Shri Ram (for example) to leadership/management lessons to corporates from Ramayana. Today most of the popular renowned academic/corporate programs (including MBAs) put critical emphasis on personal leadership development. However, I do believe that it is more essential now than ever to bring emphasis NOT JUST ON LEADERSHIP but on 'LEADERSHIP WITH VALUES' for a better world!!! This is exactly what is personified as the character of Shri Rama in Ramayana!
With this realization, I could ultimately connect my passion (Ramayana) with purpose (to create better leaders) and arrived at my purpose statement: "I will reinforce leadership with values". I have also learned that there are several genuine efforts being made to promote philosophies of Ramayana in various forms by various institutions/people. But to realize my purpose at a broad scale, it is essential to build an 'ecosystem of Ramayana' to connect and unify various forums, people and institutions into a common platform with agreed ideologies. This led to the creation of 'The Ramayana World' - an ecosystem of Ramayana!
An important disclaimer to make here is The Ramayana world is NOT a religious entity and has no intentions to promote or demote a particular religion, sect or sentiments. This is something beyond religion. This is purely a platform to build character and personality through right morals and values from Ramayana! And more importantly to empower the youth with necessary leadership qualities. Therefore, I hope you will support this cause and be part of the Ramayana world to promote principles of 'Dharma' - the righteousness to our younger generations. Let's walk the path of Rama!!!